Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Tips for success

Ever wondered what makes some people more successful than others? Ever wondered why some graduates struggle to find employment while their counterparts are employed almost immediately? It has a lot to do with habits that they have and a positive mental attitude.

Tips for success geared at helping you ace whatever you do, whether it's learning or the world of work.

1. You can never know it all, make sure that you are always looking at learning more than you already know.

2. Cut the excuses. We all make mistakes but it's how you deal with it that really matters at the end of the day. Take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.

3. Don't wait to be heard, no-one is ever going to invite you to speak. Share your ideas and be assertive, otherwise you will go unnoticed.

4. Volunteer as much as you can. Volunteering opens doors you would never have dreamt of.

5. Ask relevant questions. That's pretty self-explanatory.

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